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Browse Books in Religion

Controversies with Alberto Pio

Collected Works of Erasmus

by (author) Desiderius Erasmus
edited by Nelson H. Minnich & Daniel Sheerin

The Birth of Christianity

The First Twenty Years

by (author) Paul Barnett

Make Me a Man!

Masculinity, Hinduism, and Nationalism in India

by (author) Sikata Banerjee

prier — c'est possible

by (author) Richard Guimond

un noeud de plaisir

by (author) Marie-Andrée Lamontagne

Ask Now of the Days that are Past

by (author) Eliezer Segal

The Book of Proverbs, Chapters 15-31

by (author) Bruce K. Waltke

Une foi d'adulte

by (author) Paul-André Giguère

The Jesuit Series Part Four (L-P)

edited by Peter Daly & G. Richard Dimler

la liturgie, mise en scene ou entracte “

conductor Jean-Guy Nadeau
with Luc Bouchard, Nicole Bouchard, Michel-M Campbell, Paul De Clerck, Denise Couture, Jean-Marc Gauthier, Olivette Genest, Jacques Grand'Maison, Robert Mager, Wadji Mouawad, Marie-Josée Poiré, Christian St-Germain & Sophie Tremblay
by (author) N./.A. N/A

Holistic Learning and Spirituality in Education

Breaking New Ground

edited by John P. Miller, Selia Karsten, Diana Denton, Deborah Orr & Isabella Colalillo Kates

In War and Famine

Missionaries in China's Honan Province in the 1940s

by (author) Erleen Christensen

Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places

A Conversation in Spiritual Theology

by (author) Eugene H. Peterson

Preacher, Can You Hear Us Listening?

by (author) Roger E. Van Harn
foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

Venez et voyez. Guide à l'usage des accompagnateurs et animateurs

Partages bibliques pour adultes

by (author) Pierre Alarie
with Catéchuménat de Montréal & Centre biblique de Montréal
conductor Yvon Métras & Yves Guillemette

Venez et voyez : Partages bibliques pour adultes en compagnie de Luc

Partages bibliques pour adultes

by (author) Pierre Alarie & Yves Guillemette
conductor Yvon Métras
with Catéchuménat de Montréal & Centre biblique de Montréal

Venez et voyez : Partages bibliques pour adultes en compagnie de Matthieu

Partages bibliques pour adultes

with Catéchuménat de Montréal & Centre biblique de Montréal
by (author) Pierre Alarie & Yves Guillemette
conductor Yvon Métras

Gregory of Nyssa and the Concept of Divine Persons

by (author) Lucian Turcescu

Faithful Intellect

Samuel S. Nelles and Victoria University

by (author) Neil Semple

Voicing God's Psalms

by (author) Calvin Seerveld

Une nouvelle chance pour l'Évangile

Vers une pastorale d'engendrement

conductor Christoph Theoblad
by (author) Philippe Baq
with André Fossion, Pierrette Daviau, Marie-Jo Deniau, Jean-Marie Donegani, Olivier Frölich, Paul-André Giguère, Benoît Malvaux, Odile Ribadeau Dumas & Sophie Tremblay

"trouver Dieu sur ma route ; parcours bibliques pour jeunes adultes"

Parcours bibliques pour jeunes adultes

by (author) Pierre Alarie
with Geneviève Boucher, Christiane Gaouette & Yves Guillemette

Hsieh Liang-tso and the Analects of Confucius

Humane Learning as a Religious Quest

by (author) Thomas W. Selover
foreword by Tu Wei-ming

Un grain de sénevé

Homélies pour l'année A-Évangile de Matthieu

conductor Guy Lapointe & Simon Paré
by (author) N./.A. N/A

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