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Browse Books in Religion

Strange Angels

And Other Plays

by (author) Scott Douglas

Prayers to Share - Year A

Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year

by (author) David Sparks

Living the Heart of Christianity

A Guidebook for Putting Your Faith into Action

by (author) Marcus J. Borg & Tim Scorer

Une fête pour notre amour

Textes liturgiques pour la préparation et la célébration du mariage

by (author) collectif d'auteurs

enjeu tolerance

conductor Hélène Régnier
by (author) Pierre Guénette & Enjeu tolérance

Mary of Canada

Virgin Mary in Canadian Culture, Spirituality, History and Geography

by (author) Joan Skogan
edited by Kim Echlin

The Holy Fool

Christian Faith and Theology in J.M.R. Lenz

by (author) Timothy F. Pope

Generative Thought

An Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani

by (author) Elisa Buzzi

Struggling with Forgiveness

Stories from People and Communities

by (author) David Self

Beholders of Divine Secrets

Mysticism and Myth in the Hekhalot and Merkavah Literature

by (author) Vita Daphna Arbel

Indian Critiques of Gandhi

edited by Harold Coward

La très belle histoire de Noël

Découpée et racontée par Claude Lafortune

by (author) Claude Lafortune

Evangelicals and the Continental Divide

The Conservative Protestant Subculture in Canada and the United States

by (author) Sam Reimer

Shattered Images

The Rise of Militant Iconoclasm in Syria

by (author) Fred A. Reed

Archbishop A.-A. Taché of St. Boniface

The "Good Fight" and the Illusive Vision

by (author) Raymond J.A. Huel

Spiritual Care and Therapy

Integrative Perspectives

by (author) Peter L. VanKatwyk

On Being Human

Where Ethics, Medicine and Spirituality Converge

by (author) Daisaku Ikeda, René Simard & Guy Bourgeault

The Midwife's Story

Meditations for Advent Times

by (author) Nancy Reeves
with Margaret Kyle

Prayers to Share Year C

Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year

by (author) David Sparks

Beyond Secrecy: The Untold Story of Canada and the Second Vatican Council

The Untold Story of Canada and the Second Vatican Council

by (author) Bernard Daly

Treasures of Islam

Art and Design in Islamic Manuscripts

by (author) Jamshid Beheshti, Andrew Large & Haidar Moukdad

Lives in Spirit

Precursors and Dilemmas of a Secular Western Mysticism

by (author) Harry T. Hunt

Northrop Frye's Notebooks and Lectures on the Bible and Other Religious Texts

by (author) Estate of Northrop Frye
edited by Robert D. Denham

Hinduism and Its Sense of History

by (author) Arvind Sharma

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