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Browse Books in Religion

Healing Families

Courage and Faith in Challenging Times

by (author) Diane Marshall

Dans la tourmente du quotidien

Capsules de sagesse

by (author) Pierre Paquette

Prayers of Peace

by (author) Carrie Coco

Everyday Psalms

The power of the Psalms in language and images for today

by (author) James Taylor

Children Matter

Celebrating Their Place in the Church, Family, and Community

by (author) Scottie May, Beth Posterski, Catherine Stonehouse & Linda Cannell

Yes I Can

Being a Marriage Preparation Facilitator

by (author) Mona-Lee Feehan & Martin Rovers

The Trouble with Islam Today

A Wake-up Call for Honesty and Change

by (author) Irshad Manji

Jesus and Mary: Finding Our Sacred Center

Réflexions sur le leadership chrétien

by (author) Henri J.M. Nouwen
translated by Jacques Gagné & Jean-Guy Marcotte

Recovering the Sacred

The Power of Naming and Claiming

by (author) Winona LaDuke

Islam in Modern Turkey

An Intellectual Biography of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

by (author) “ükran Vahide
introduction by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi'

Solitary Wicca For Life

Complete Guide to Mastering the Craft on Your Own

by (author) Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Celebrate the Journey

Grace Mennonite Church 1955-2005

by (author) Tony Nickel

Memory, Music, and Religion

Morocco's Mystical Chanters

by (author) Earle H. Waugh


Concise Statements about the Truth

by (author) Gerd Bruno

Amazing Church: A Catholic Theologian Remembers a Half-Century of Change

A Catholic Theologian Remembers a Half-Century of Change

by (author) Gregory Baum

Visual Habits

Nuns, Feminism, And American Postwar Popular Culture

by (author) Rebecca Sullivan

Faire une place à nos enfants à notre mariage

by (author) Institut de la Famille

la rupture du dialogue et son depassement

by (author) Jean-François Malherbe

la relation d'aide pastorale

by (author) Yvon Saint-Arnaud
managing editor Josée Latulippe

Aujourd'hui, se convertir

by (author) Mario Forget

Nationalism and Minority Identities in Islamic Societies

by (author) Maya Shatzmiller

Michael Power

The Struggle to Build the Catholic Church on the Canadian Frontier

by (author) Mark McGowan

Michael Power

The Struggle to Build the Catholic Church on the Canadian Frontier

by (author) Mark G. McGowan

Témoigner de sa foi, dans les médias, aujourd'hui

edited by Guy Marchessault

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