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Browse Books in Religion

Beyond Churchianity

Insights from Japan for a World-Changing Christianity

by (author) Floyd Howlett

The Heavens Are Changing

Nineteenth-Century Protestant Missions and Tsimshian Christianity

by (author) Susan Neylan

Anglicans and the Atlantic World

High Churchmen, Evangelicals, and the Quebec Connection

by (author) Richard W. Vaudry

Florence Nightingale on Mysticism and Eastern Religions

Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 4

edited by Gérard Vallée

Households of Faith

Family, Gender, and Community in Canada, 1760-1969

by (author) Nancy Christie

Gen-X: Y- Faith

Getting Real with God

by (author) Ross Lockhart

Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer

Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Congregation 50th Anniversary Book

by (author) Heather Falconer

Governing Charities

Church and State in Toronto's Catholic Archdiocese, 1850-1950

by (author) Paula Maurutto

Religious Institutions and the Law

by (author) M.H. Ogilvie

End of the World, The

The Apocalyptic Imagination in Film and Television

by (author) John W. Martens

Islam at the Crossroads

On the Life and Thought of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

introduction by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi'

comme une maison batie sur le roc (livret accompagnement)

Cinq parcours d'intériorisation

by (author) Jacques Otis

Ritual Worship of the Great Goddess

The Liturgy of the Durg” P?j” with Interpretations

by (author) Hillary Peter Rodrigues

Relocating Gender in Sikh History

by (author) Doris Jakobsh

The Correspondence of Erasmus

Letters 1658-1801, Volume 12

by (author) Desiderius Erasmus
translated by Alexander Dalzell
notes by Charles G. Nauert

The Muslim Veil in North America

Issues and Debates

edited by Sajida Sultana Alvi, Homa Hoodfar & Sheila McDonough

Finding Peace

by (author) Jean Vanier

China Diary

The Life of Mary Austin Endicott

by (author) Shirley Jane Endicott

Mystical Consciousness

Western Perspectives and Dialogue with Japanese Thinkers

by (author) Louis Roy

Power And Peril

by (author) Higgins

The Oxford Movement

A Thematic History of the Tractarians and Their Times

by (author) C. Brad Faught

Letters from the Peace

by (author) Fay Thomson Bland & Phoebe Fitz Wallace

Sheila's Take

memoir by Sheila Kindellan Sheehan

Language of the Heart

How to Read the Bible: A User's Guide for Catholics

by (author) Noel Cooper

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