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Browse Books in Religion

The Buddhism Omnibus

Comprising Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada, The Philosophy of Religion, with an Introduction by Matthew T. Kapstein

by (author) Iqbal Singh, S. Radhakrishnan & Arvind Sharma

Witching Culture

Folklore and Neo-Paganism in America

by (author) Sabina Magliocco

Christian Names in Local and Family History

by (author) George Redmonds

The Rural Solution

Modern Catholic Voices on Going "Back to the Land"

by (author) Mgr Richard Williamson, Dr Peter Chojnowski, Christopher McCann, Walter John Marx & Willis D. Nutting
edited by David Palin

Modern Medicine: The New World Religion

How Beliefs Secretly Influence Medical Dogmas and Practices

by (author) Olivier Clerc
foreword by Michael Misita
translated by Rachel Stern

Theology for Ministry

by (author) Margaret Lavin

Nothing Sacred

A Journey Beyond Belief

by (author) T.F. Rigelhof

The Sword of the Lord

Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century

edited by Doris L. Bergen

Women and Religious Traditions

edited by Leona M. Anderson & Pamela Dickey Young

Les dix commandements

by (author) Huguette Leblanc

Canada's Religions

An Historical Introduction

by (author) Robert Choquette

No-Nonsense Guide to Islam

by (author) Merryl Wyn Davies & Zia Sardar

Guide de voyage

by (author) Françoise Lagacé

Carnet d'initiation chrétienne

nouvelle édition

conductor Hélène Régnier
by (author) N./.A. N/A

Les mots de l'Autre

by (author) Jacques Gauthier

Qui est Dieu “

by (author) Irma Zaleski
translated by Josée Latulippe

Pratiquer la prière de Jésus

by (author) Irma Zaleski
translated by Josée Latulippe


Its History, Teaching, and Practices

by (author) Solomon A. Nigosian

Religion and Peacebuilding

edited by Harold Coward & Gordon S. Smith

Frye and the Word

Religious Contexts in the Writings of Northrop Frye

edited by Jeffery Donaldson & Alan Mendelson

The Apocalyptic Year 1000

Religious Expectaton and Social Change, 950-1050

edited by Richard Landes, Andrew Gow & David Van Meter

The Rose Ceremony

by (author) Swami Sivananda Radha

Embodied Prayer

Toward Wholeness of Mind, Body, Soul

by (author) Celeste Snowber

A Woman's Book of Days 2

by (author) Donna Sinclair

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