Browse Books in Religion

Christmas in Quebec
Heartwarming Legends, Tales and Traditions

Christmas in Atlantic Canada
Heatwarming Legends, Tales and Traditions

Christ Wisdom
Spiritual Practice in the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer

W. Stanford Reid
An Evangelical Calvinist in the Academy

Borderland Religion
The Emergence of an English-Canadian Identity, 1792-1852

Healing in the Wilderness
A History of the United Church Mission Hospitals

Foi critique
Débats de fond

a l'ecole de john main, la meditation chretienne

Paroles de Sagesse : Proverbes pour la vie de tous les jours
Proverbes pour la vie de tous les jours

The R-am-ayaṇa Revisited

Images in Asian Religions
Text and Contexts

Recognizing Religion in a Secular Society
Essays in Pluralism, Religion, and Public Policy

Spiritualité et pratique de la non-violence

Our Twelve Days Before Christmas

A Woman's Book of Days

Prayers to Share Year A
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year

The Ahmadis
Community, Gender, and Politics in a Muslim Society

Christians in a Secular World
The Canadian Experience

Community, Gender, and Politics in a Muslim Society

With Skilful Hand
The Story of King David

Female Ascetics in Hinduism

Working With Spirit
Engaging the Spirituality to Meet the Challenges of the Workplace

Philosophical and Theological Papers, 1965-1980
Volume 17