Browse Books in Religion
Prayer: Hidden Fire
A practical and personal approach to awakening a greater intimacy with God
God Rides a Yamaha
Musings on poetry, pain, and pop culture
"Why Ask My Name?"
Anonymity and Identity in Biblical Narrative
Case of Witchcraft
The Trial of Urbain Grandier
The Way of Life
A Theology of Christian Vocation
Surpassing Wonder
The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds
Saints' Lives and the Rhetoric of Gender
Male and Female in Merovingian Hagiography
Collected Works of Erasmus
Controversies, Volume 83
Myths We Live By
To Set the Captives Free
Liberation Theology in Canada
My Baptism
The Story of Jesus' Baptism and My Baptism Memories
Devotional Diary
Short Prayers for Busy People
At the Origin of the Christian Claim
Can God Be Trusted?
Faith and the Challenge of Evil
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert: Volume XI. Qumran Cave 4: VI
Poetical and Liturgical Texts, Part 1
The Waning of the Green
Catholics, the Irish, and Identity in Toronto, 1887-1922
Waning of the Green
Catholics, the Irish, and Identity in Toronto, 1887-1922
Religion and Nationality in Western Ukraine
The Greek Catholic Church and the Ruthenian National Movement in Galicia, 1870-1900
Prayer: The Hidden Fire
A practical and personal approach to awakening a greater intimacy with God
Sacred Lands
Aboriginal World Views, Claims, and Conflicts
Atlas historique des pratiques religieuses
Le Sud-Ouest du Québec au XIXe siècle