Browse Books in Gender Studies
Indigenous Women and Feminism
Politics, Activism, Culture
Gender, Health, and Popular Culture
Historical Perspectives
Arab-American Women's Writing and Performance
Orientalism, Race and the Idea of the Arabian Nights
Naturally Woman
The Search for Self in Black Canadian Women's Literature
Transforming Law's Family
The Legal Recognition of Planned Lesbian Motherhood
All Ways Butch and Femme
The Gendered Society Reader
Canadian Edition
The Way of the Bachelor
Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba
Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat
New Perspectives on Gender and Gaming
Artistic Impressions
Figure Skating, Masculinity, and the Limits of Sport
Keeping the Nation's House
Domestic Management and the Making of Modern China
The Business of Women
Marriage, Family, and Entrepreneurship in British Columbia, 1901-51
Being Again of One Mind
Oneida Women and the Struggle for Decolonization
Controversial Kierkegaard
Gender and Modernity in Central Europe
The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Its Legacy
Love in the Time of AIDS
Inequality, Gender, and Rights in South Africa
Clickety Clack
My Bipolar Express
Woman Abuse in Canada
Deconstructing Men and Masculinities
Solidarities Beyond Borders
Transnationalizing Women's Movements
States of Race
Critical Race Feminism for the 21st Century
The Canadian War on Queers
National Security as Sexual Regulation
Born Southern
Childbirth, Motherhood, and Social Networks in the Old South
Sanctifying Misandry
Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man