Browse Books in Gender Studies

Vie et mort du couple en Nouvelle-France
Québec et Louisbourg au XVIIIe siècle

Sex, Paranoia, and Modern Masculinity

Gender, the State, and Social Reproduction
Household Insecurity in Neo-Liberal Times

Zina, Transnational Feminism, and the Moral Regulation of Pakistani Women
Gender of Psychology

Trans/forming Feminisms
Trans-feminist Voices Speak Out

Canadian Woman Studies
An Introductory Reader, 2nd Edition

As Nature Made Him
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl

Marriage, Sex, and Civic Culture in Late Medieval London

Moral Regulation and Governance in Canada
History, Context, and Critical Issues

Tales of Two Cities
Women and Municipal Restructuring in London and Toronto

Back Door Java
State Formation and the Domestic in Working Class Java

Legalizing Misandry
From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men

Sons of the Movement
FtMs Risking Incoherence on a Post-Queer Cultural Landscape

Unsettling Partition
Literature, Gender, Memory
Unsettling Partition
Literature, Gender, Memory

Unwilling Mothers, Unwanted Babies
Infanticide in Canada

Gender Bias in Scholarship
The Pervasive Prejudice

Every Inch a Woman
Phallic Possession, Femininity, and the Text
Sex Change, Social Change
Reflections on Identity, Institutions and Imperialism

Pink Blood
Homophobic Violence in Canada

Make Me a Man!
Masculinity, Hinduism, and Nationalism in India

C'était du spectacle!
L'histoire des artistes transsexuelles à Montréal, 1955-1985

Ten Thousand Roses
The Making Of A Feminist Revolution