Browse Books in Gender Studies

Viola Florence Barnes, 1885-1979
A Historian's Biography

What Do They Call a Fisherman?
Men, Gender, and Restructuring in the Newfoundland Fishery

I Could Not Speak My Heart
Education and Social Justice for Gay and Lesbian Youth

Masculinities without Men?
Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions

Speaking for Nature
Women and Ecologies of Early Modern England

Inside Corporate U
Women In The Academy Speak Out

Woman of the World
Mary McGeachy and International Cooperation

Big Sister
How Extreme Feminism Has Betrayed the Fight for Sexual Equality

Gendered Pasts
Historical Essays in Femininity and Masculinity in Canada

Gender and Change in Hong Kong
Globalization, Postcolonialism, and Chinese Patriarchy

Out on the Field
Gender, Sport and Sexualities

It's a Working Man's Town
Male Working-Class Culture, Second Edition

Sociologie des rapports de sexe

Sex and Borders
Gender, National Identity and Prostitution Policy in Thailand

Narratives at Work
Women, Men, Unionization, and the Fashioning of Identities

Women and the White Man's God
Gender and Race in the Canadian Mission Field
Why Women Bury Men
The Longevity Gap in Canada

Brazen Femme
Queering Femininity

Democracy Growing Up
Authority, Autonomy, and Passion in Tocqueville's Democracy in America

Race, Space, and the Law
Unmapping a White Settler Society

Violence Against Women
New Canadian Perspectives

Feminist Utopias
Re-Visioning Our Futures

Regulating Girls and Women
Sexuality, Family, and the Law in Ontario, 1920-1960

Spreading Misandry
The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture