Browse Books in Gender Studies
At the Limits of Justice
Women of Colour on Terror
Redefining Multicultural Education, Third Edition
Inclusion and the Right to Be Different
Bonnie Sherr Klein's 'Not a Love Story'
Afghanistan Remembers
Gendered Narrations of Violence and Culinary Practices
The Man Who Invented Gender
Engaging the Ideas of John Money
Wisdom, Justice and Charity
Canadian Social Welfare through the Life of Jane B. Wisdom, 1884-1975
Wisdom, Justice and Charity
Canadian Social Welfare through the Life of Jane B. Wisdom, 1884-1975
Indigenous African Knowledge Production
Food-Processing Practices among Kenyan Rural Women
Changing Places
Feminist Essays on Empathy and Relocation
Equality Deferred
Sex Discrimination and British Columbia’s Human Rights State, 1953-84
Trans Activism in Canada
A Reader
The Fragrance of Sweet-Grass
L.M. Montgomery's Heroines and the Pursuit of Romance
Becoming Women
The Embodied Self in Image Culture
Gender Failure
Min Fami
Arab Feminist Reflections on Identity, Space and Resistance
Are Men Obsolete?
The Munk Debate on Gender
Conversations about Indigenous Manhood
Philanthropy and the Construction of Victorian Women's Citizenship
Lady Frederick Cavendish and Miss Emma Cons
Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History
Facing Eugenics
Reproduction, Sterilization, and the Politics of Choice
Feminist History in Canada
New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation
No End to the Shit that Pisses Me Off
Into the Fire
Disaster and the Remaking of Gender
Paris Is Burning
A Queer Film Classic