Browse Books in Gender Studies

Philanthropy and the Construction of Victorian Women's Citizenship
Lady Frederick Cavendish and Miss Emma Cons

Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History

Facing Eugenics
Reproduction, Sterilization, and the Politics of Choice

Feminist History in Canada
New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation

No End to the Shit that Pisses Me Off

Into the Fire
Disaster and the Remaking of Gender

Paris Is Burning
A Queer Film Classic

Body Failure
Medical Views of Women, 1900-1950

Map Worlds
A History of Women in Cartography

Sex Work
Rethinking the Job, Respecting the Workers

Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History

Gendered News
Media Coverage and Electoral Politics in Canada

Blood, Marriage, Wine & Glitter

Consuming Modernity
Gendered Behaviour and Consumerism before the Baby Boom

Out Spoken
Perspectives on Queer Identities

Structurring Identities in Contemporary

"And Neither Have I Wings to Fly":
Labelled and Locked Up in Canada's Oldest Institution

More Heat Than Light?
Sex-difference Science and the Study of Language

Gender and Identity
Key Themes and New Directions

More Heat than Light
Sex-Difference Science & the Study of Language

Mommyblogs and the Changing Face of Motherhood

Canadian Men and Masculinities
Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

HIV Prevention and Bisexual Realities
Bisexual Realities and HIV Educaton in Montreal

Stranger Rape
Rapists, Masculinity and Penal Governance