Browse Books in Gender Studies
Feminism(s) on the Edge of the Millennium
Rethinking Foundations and Future Debates
First Nations
Race, Class, and Gender Relations
For Home, Country, and Race
Gender, Class, and Englishness in the Elementary School, 1880-1914
'Designing Women'
Gender and the Architectural Profession
Obligation and Opportunity
Single Maritime Women in Boston, 1870-1930
Configuring Gender
Explorations in Theory and Politics
Contracting Masculinity
Gender, Class, and Race in a White-Collar Union, 1944-1994
Earning and Caring in Canadian Families
Earning and Caring in Canadian Families
Women's Organizing and Public Policy in Canada and Sweden
The Mountain Is Moving
Japanese Women's Lives
Canadian Woman Studies
An Introductory Reader
Equity and How to Get It
Rescuing Graduate Studies
Other Worlds
Society Seen Through Soap Opera
Gender and Education in Ontario
An Historical Reader
The Secret Struggle For Womanhood
Confronting the Cuts
A Sourcebook for Women in Ontario
The Trouble with Normal
Postwar Youth and the Making of Heterosexuality
Bad Attitude/s on Trial
Pornography, Feminism, and the Butler Decision
Women's Voices, Women's Power
Dialogues of Resistance from East Africa
Public Men and Virtuous Women
The Gendered Languages of Religion and Politics in Upper Canada, 1791-1850
Family Boundaries
The Invention of Normality and Dangerousness
Family Violence: A Canadian Introduction
Second Edition
Public Men and Virtuous Women
The Gendered Languages of Religion and Politics in Upper Canada, 1791-1850