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Browse Books in Gender Studies

Eating Fire

Family Life on the Queer Side

by (author) Michael Riordon

Of Property and Propriety

The Role of Gender and Class in Imperialism and Nationalism

edited by Himani Bannerji, Shahrzad Mojab & Judith Whitehead

Getting By in Hard Times

Gendered Labour at Home and on the Job

by (author) June Corman & Meg Luxton

Social Context and Social Location in the Sociology of Law

edited by Gayle MacDonald

On the Edge of Empire

Gender, Race, and the Making of British Columbia, 1849-1871

by (author) Adele Perry

Regulating Girls and Women

Sexuality, Family, and the Law in Ontario, 1920-1960

by (author) Joan Sangster

Sit Down and Drink Your Beer

Regulating Vancouver's Beer Parlours, 1925-1954

by (author) Robert A. Campbell

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls

Gender in Film at the End of the Twentieth Century

edited by Murray Pomerance

Race and Gender in the Northern Colonies

edited by Jan Noel

For Health and Beauty

Physical Culture for Frenchwomen, 1880s-1930s

by (author) Mary Lynn Stewart

Making Change

Fifty Years of the Laidlaw Foundation

by (author) Laidlaw Foundation

Families, Labour and Love

Family Diversity in a Changing World

by (author) Maureen Baker

Feminism(s) on the Edge of the Millennium

Rethinking Foundations and Future Debates

edited by Krista Hunt & Christine Saulnier

First Nations

Race, Class, and Gender Relations

by (author) Terry Wotherspoon & Vic Satzewich

Higher Goals

Women's Ice Hockey and the Politics of Gender

by (author) Nancy Theberge

For Home, Country, and Race

Gender, Class, and Englishness in the Elementary School, 1880-1914

by (author) Stephen J. Heathorn

'Designing Women'

Gender and the Architectural Profession

by (author) Annmarie Adams & Peta Tancred

Obligation and Opportunity

Single Maritime Women in Boston, 1870-1930

by (author) Betsy Beattie

Configuring Gender

Explorations in Theory and Politics

by (author) Barbara Marshall

Contracting Masculinity

Gender, Class, and Race in a White-Collar Union, 1944-1994

by (author) Gillian Creese

Earning and Caring in Canadian Families

by (author) Roderic Beaujot

Earning and Caring in Canadian Families

by (author) Rod Beaujot

Women's Organizing and Public Policy in Canada and Sweden

by (author) Linda Briskin & Mona Eliasson

The Mountain Is Moving

Japanese Women's Lives

by (author) Patricia Morley

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