Browse Books in Religion

The Lord Who Is Half Woman
Ardhan?r??vara in Indian and Feminist Perspective
Virgin Trails
A Secular Pilgrimage

Founding Moment
Church, Society, and the Construction of Trinity College

The Founding Moment
Church, Society, and the Construction of Trinity College
Say to the Darkness, We Beg to Differ

Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment
Deciphering Scripture and Midrash in The Guide of the Perplexed

Franz Rosenzweig and Jehuda Halevi
Translating, Translations, and Translators

Théologie, mission et catéchèse

Liberty and Conscience
A Documentary History of the Experiences of Conscientious Objectors in America through the Civil War

Al-Ghazali and the Ismailis
A Debate on Reason and Authority in Medieval Islam
Life with the Anishinabe, 1927-1938

L'éternité chaque jour

Florence Nightingale’s Spiritual Journey: Biblical Annotations, Sermons and Journal Notes
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 2

Benedicamus Domino!: Let Us Bless the Lord! the Theological Foundations of the Liturgical Renewal
The Theological Foundations of the Liturgical Renewal

Finding the Will of God
A Pagan Notion?
Sarasvati Scapes

In the Aftermath
What September 11 is teaching us about our world, our faith and ourselves

The Gift of a Child
Spirtual Lessons from the Life of a Child

Youth Spirit 2
More Program Ideas for Youth Groups

Prayers to Share - Year B
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year

Prayers to Share - Year C
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Year

D'une même voix
Chants notés de l'assemblée - Édition canadienne

Early Modern Catholicism
Essays in Honour of John W. O'Malley, S.J.

Parables of War
Reading John’s Jewish Apocalypse