Browse Books in Philosophy

The Best Things in Life
A Guide to What Really Matters

Archives and the Event of God
The Impact of Michel Foucault on Philosophical Theology

Ordinary Ethics
Anthropology, Language, and Action

Democracy and the Intersection of Religion
The Reading of John Dewey's Understanding of Democracy and Education

Developments in Buddhist Thought
Canadian Contributions to Buddhist Studies

Simone Weil
An Introduction to Her Thought

Averroës’ Doctrine of Immortality
A Matter of Controversy

Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism

Controversial Kierkegaard

Martin Heidegger’s Philosophy of Religion

Language in Indian Philosophy and Religion

Readings in Russian Philosophical Thought
Philosophy of History

Les Cultural Studies dans les mondes francophones

Fundamental Topics is Metaphysics

Philosophical Apprenticeships
Contemporary Continental Philosophy in Canada

Modernité en transit - Modernity in Transit

Technology and the Changing Face of Humanity

On Freedom, Love, and Power
Christianity in a Time of Economic Globalization

Early Works on Theological Method 1
Volume 22

The Oxford Handbook of American Philosophy

Lonergan's Early Economic Research
Texts and Commentary

My Muse Will Have a Story to Paint
Selected Prose of Ludovico Ariosto

Desire, Practical Reason, and the Good
Classical and Contemporary Perspectives

Oedipus against Freud
Myth and the End(s) of Humanism in 20th Century British Literature