Browse Books in Philosophy

A Genealogy of Marion's Philosophy of Religion
Apparent Darkness

Following the Rules
Practical Reasoning and Deontic Constraint

David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature
Two-volume set

David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature
Volume 1: Texts

David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature
Volume 2: Editorial Material

Moral Reasoning
Rediscovering the Ethical Tradition

Emotional Truth

Self, No Self?
Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and Indian Traditions

Eternal God
A Study of God without Time

The Philosophy of Heidegger


Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Consciousness

Phenomenal Consciousness
Understanding the Relation between Experience and Neural Processes in the Brain

The Philosophy of Wine
A Case of Truth, Beauty, and Intoxication

Art's Emotions
Ethics, Expression, and Aesthetic Experience

Ethics for Broken World
Imagining Philosophy after Catastrophe

Time and Philosophy
A History of Continental Thought

The Philosophy of Sartre

Analytic versus Continental
Arguments on the Methods and Value of Philosophy

The Return of Feminist Liberalism

An Alternative Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century

The Philosophy of Husserl

The History of a Philosophy

Virgil's Schoolboys
The Poetics of Pedagogy in Renaissance England