Browse Books in Philosophy
Essentials of Symbolic Logic - Third Edition
The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought - Volume 1: From Plato to Nietzsche
Volume 1: From Plato to Nietzsche
Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Literature
An Analytic Approach
Weakness of Will and Practical Irrationality
Multicultural Dynamics and the Ends of History
Exploring Kant, Hegel, and Marx
Good Reasoning Matters!
A Constructive Approach to Critical Thinking
Northern Spirits
John Watson, George Grant, and Charles Taylor - Appropriations of Hegelian Political Thought
The End of Ethics in a Technological Society
Not Quite What I Was Planning
Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure
Freedom, Nature, and World
Social and Political Philosophy
Classic and Contemporary Readings
The Oath in Greek Society
Comics as Philosophy
Démocratie, idéologie, socialité
Autour de l'oeuvre de Roberto Miguelez
The Philosophy of Agamben
The Philosophy of Hegel
Robert Brandom
Real Words
Language and System in Hegel
Heidegger and the Question of National Socialism
Disclosure and Gestalt
Adorno and the Need in Thinking
George Grant
A Guide to His Thought
Shorter Papers
Volume 20
The Modularity of Emotions
David Hume's Political Theory
Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government