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Browse Books in Philosophy

Penguin Celebrations - Voltaires Bastards

The Dictatorship of Reason in the West

by (author) John Ralston Saul

La Rénovation de l'héritage démocratique

Entre fondation et refondation

edited by Anne Trépanier

La Dynamique multiculturelle et les fins de l’histoire

by (author) Réal Fillion

La Dynamique multiculturelle et les fins de l'histoire

by (author) Réal Fillion

Beauvoir and Sartre

The Riddle of Influence

edited by Christine Daigle & Jacob Golomb

Stairway to Nirv?na

A Study of the Twenty Sa?ghas Based on the Works of Tsong kha pa

by (author) James B. Apple

Bearing Witness to Epiphany

Persons, Things, and the Nature of Erotic Life

by (author) John Russon

The Knotted Road

by (author) James Cummins


A Philosophy for Global Ethics

by (author) Stan van Hooft

Ethics and Experience

Life Beyond Moral Theory

by (author) Tim Chappell

The Minds of the Moderns

Rationalism, Empiricism, and Philosophy of Mind

by (author) Janice Thomas

Film, Theory, and Philosophy

The Key Thinkers

by (author) Felicity Colman

Making Game

An Essay on Hunting, Familiar Things, and the Strangeness of Being Who One Is

by (author) Peter L. Atkinson

Thomas Nagel

by (author) Alan Thomas

The Customs Law of Asia

edited by M. Cottier, M.H. Crawford, C.V. Crowther, J.-.L. Ferrary, B.M. Levick, O. Salomies & M. Worrle

Great Philosophers

A Brief Story of the Self and Its Worlds

by (author) Jeffrey Reid

Pagoda of Light

A Falun Gong Story from Today's China

by (author) Yuan Meng & Long Tu

City of the End of Things

Lectures on Civilization and Empire

by (author) Northrop Frye, J. Robert Oppenheimer & Edward Togo Salmon

Identity and Justice

by (author) Ian Angus

Expanding Process

Exploring Philosophical and Theological Transformations in China and the West

by (author) John H. Berthrong

Incompatibilism's Allure

Principle Arguments for Incompatibilism

by (author) Ishtiyaque Haji

The External World and Our Knowledge of It

Hume's Critical Realism, an Exposition and a Defence

by (author) Fred Wilson

Ideas for a New Century

edited by Bernie Lucht

The Public Realm and the Public Self

The Political Theory of Hannah Arendt

by (author) Shiraz Dossa

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