Browse Books in Philosophy

Feminist Disability Studies

Environmental Ethics for Canadians

Creating Consilience
Integrating the Sciences and the Humanities

Shit that Pisses Me Off

Democracy and the Political in Max Weber's Thought

Reasons and Recognition
Essays on the Philosophy of T.M. Scanlon

Le Procès de l'Europe
Grandeur et misère de la culture européenne

Winter US Edition
Five Windows on the Season

Birth of a Boom: Saskatchewan's Dawning Golden Age

Half Empty

Thus Saith Eve

Xu Bing and Contemporary Chinese Art
Cultural and Philosophical Reflections

The Idolatry of the Actual
Habermas, Socialization, and the Possibility of Autonomy

An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding

Five Windows on the Season

Imperial Republics
Revolution, War and Territorial Expansion from the English Civil War to the French Revolution

Describing Inner Experience?
Proponent Meets Skeptic

Assisted Death
A Study in Ethics and Law

The Homeric Hymns
Interpretative Essays

A Quest for Humanity
The Good Society in a Global World

Polaroids from the Dead
And Other Short Stories

Philosophical and Psychological Essays

First Philosophy: God, Mind, and Freedom, second edition
Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy