Browse Books in Philosophy

Reimagining Politics after the Terror
The Republican Origins of French Liberalism

Idler's Glossary, The

The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought - Volume 2: The Twentieth Century and Beyond
Volume 2: The Twentieth Century and Beyond

The Excellencies of Robert Boyle
The Excellency of Theology and The Excellency and Grounds of the Mechanical Hypothesis

Going Home

Hiding Places
Rethinking Truth

The Book of Absolutes
A Critique of Relativism and a Defence of Universals

A (Very) Critical Introduction

Opening Gambits
Essays on Art and Philosophy

The Absolute Violation
Why Torture Must Be Prohibited

Becoming Human

Noli me tangere
On the Raising of the Body

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XXXV
Winter 2008

The Poverty of Corrupt Nations
Heidegger's Possibility
Language, Emergence - Saying Be-ing

Bringing the Passions Back In
The Emotions in Political Philosophy

Animal Subjects
An Ethical Reader in a Posthuman World

Finding Freedom
Hegel's Philosophy and the Emancipation of Women

The Case for Qualia

Reading Seneca
Stoic Philosophy at Rome

Home! A Bioregional Reader

The Deconstruction of Christianity