Browse Books in Philosophy

Queer Ecologies
Sex, Nature, Politics, Desire

A Passion for the Possible
Thinking with Paul Ricoeur

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume 38

Spirit, the Family, and the Unconscious in Hegel's Philosophy

Deliberative Democracy in Practice

Creativity for Critical Thinkers
First Canadian Edition

Lonergan's Discovery of the Science of Economics

Lyric Ecology
An Appreciation of the Work of Jan Zwicky

The Mind in Nature

Lonergan and the Level of Our Time

Color Ontology and Color Science

The Price of Compassion
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy volume 39

A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind, second edition
Readings with Commentary

Seneca: Selected Philosophical Letters
Translated with introduction and commentary

Between Reason and Experience
Essays in Technology and Modernity

Effortless Attention
A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 1802-1925

The Atheist's Primer

ABC's of Human Survival
A Paradigm for Global Citizenship

Global Journalism Ethics

By Parallel Reasoning

Ethics and Humanity
Themes from the Philosophy of Jonathan Glover