Browse Books in General

Genetic Criticism
Texts and Avant-textes

Servile Ministers
Othello, King Lear and the Sacralization of Service (the 2003 Garnett Sedgewick Memorial Lecture)

Euripides: Alcestis

Self, Nation, Text in Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children"

Modern Drama
Defining the Field

Writers Talking

The Dead One Touched Me from the Past
A Walk with Writers through the Centuries
The Reinvention of Ignazio Silone

Negotiating with the Dead
A Writer on Writing

Italo Calvino and the Compass of Literature

The Politics of Cultural Mediation
Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and Felix Paul Greve

D.H. Lawrence and Survival
Darwinism in the Fiction of the Transitional Period

Short Fiction
An Anthology

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume II: 1910-1921

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume III: 1921-1929

Where Have the Old Words Got Me?
Explications of Dylan Thomas's Collected Poems

Writing Prose
Techniques and Purposes, Canadian Edition

Under the Naked Sky
Short Stories from the Arab World

The Voice is the Story
Conversations with Canadian Writers of Short Fiction
Reading Pictures
What We Think About When We Look at Art

Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada

Writing the Meal
Dinner in the Fiction of Twentieth-Century Women Writers

Becoming George
The Life of Mrs W.B.Yeats