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Context North America
Canadian-U.S. Literary Relations

Hugh MacLennan

Context North America
Canadian-U.S. Literary Relations

Animal Victims in Modern Fiction
From Sanctity to Sacrifice

City Hall & Mrs. God

History of Histories of German Literature, 1835-1914
Roy Fuller

Animal Victims in Modern Fiction
From Sanctity to Sacrifice

Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory
Approaches, Scholars, Terms

Raging Like a Fire
A Celebration of Irving Layton
Writing on the Wall
Essays on Culture and Politics

Nothing Mat(t)ers
A Feminist Critique of Postmodernism

The Borders of Nightmare
The Fiction of John Richardson

Nights in the Yungas

The Orwell Conundrum
A Cry of Despair or Faith in the "Spirit of Man?"

Wyndham Lewis and the Avant-Garde
The Politics of the Intellect

A Few Acres of Snow
Literary and Artistic Images of Canada

Old English Elegies

C.P. Snow and the Struggle of Modernity

Essays on Life Writing
From Genre to Critical Practice
Reading Life Writing

Swinging the Maelstrom
New Perspectives on Malcolm Lowry

Mind in Creation
Essays on English Romantic Literature in Honour of Ross G. Woodman

The Borders of Nightmare
The Fiction of John Richardson