Browse Books in General

After Poststructuralism
Writing the Intellectual History of Theory

The Stolen Jewels

Arbutus/Madrone Files, The
Reading the Pacific Northwest

The Hydra's Tale
Imagining Disgust
A Hot Eyed Moderate
A Moment's Liberty
The Shorter Diary

The Peony Pavilion, Second Edition
Mudan Ting
Rethinking Literary History
A Dialogue on Theory

Living Prism
Itineraries in Comparative Literature

Remnants of Nation
On Poverty Narratives by Women

The Vintage Book of Canadian Memoirs

Essaying Montaigne
A Study of the Renaissance Institution of Writing and Reading

Pragmatic Plagiarism
Authorship, Profit, and Power

Women and Narrative Identity
Rewriting the Quebec National Text

Changing the Terms
Translating in the Postcolonial Era

Broken Entries

Damned Women
Lesbians in French Novel

Between Literature and Science
Poe, Lem and Explorations in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge

Between the Temple and the Cave
The Religious Dimensions of the Poetry of E.J. Pratt
The Making of the English Literary Canon
From the Middle Ages to the Late Eighteenth Century

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume I: 1889-1910

The Self-Completing Tree
One Language, Two Scripts
The Hindi Movement in Nineteenth Century North India