Browse Books in General
Re: Joyce 'n Beckett

Critical Essays by Northrop Frye, Linda Hutcheon and Shirley Neuman

Letters of Brendan Behan
The Modern Century

Profiles in Canadian Literature 8
Volume 8

Profiles in Canadian Literature 7
Volume 7

Thackeray's Cultural Frame of Reference
Allusion in The Newcomes

Unusual Circumstances, Interesting Times
Critical Approaches to the Fiction of Margaret Laurence
Voice From The Attic
Essays On The Art Of Reading

The Face in the Garden
Teacher's Guide for Elements of Literature
Canadian Edition
The New Republic of Childhood
A Critical Guide to Canadian Children's Literature in English

The Cinema of Malcolm Lowry
A Scholarly Edition of Lowry's 'Tender is the Night'.

Dance of the Sexes
Art and Gender in the Fiction of Alice Munro

Swinburne and His Gods
The Roots and Growth of an Agnostic Poetry

Bliss Carman
A Reappraisal

Poetic Argument
Studies in Modern Poetry


World as Event
The Poetry of Charles Tomlinson

A Romantic Iconography of the River and the Source

Essays for Richard Ellmann
Omnium Gatherum