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Dal and Rice
Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Major Works
Canadian Literature at the Crossroads of Language and Culture
Sir Andrew Macphail
The Life and Legacy of a Canadian Man of Letters
Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth
Words With Power
Being a Second Study of 'The Bible and Literature'
Modernist Goods
Primitivism, the Market and the Gift
The Modern Dilemma
Wallace Stevens, T.S. Eliot, and Humanism
Interviews With Northrop Frye
Report on the Afterlife of Culture, A
From Cohen to Carson
The Poet's Novel in Canada
Mordecai Richler
Leaving St Urbain
Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Literature
An Analytic Approach
From Mushkegowuk to New Orleans
A Mixed Blood Highway
The Creator as Critic and Other Writings by E.M. Forster
Northrop Frye's Notebooks for Anatomy of Critcism
Reading & Writing the Mediterranean
Essays by Vincenzo Consolo
Northrop Frye's Fiction and Miscellaneous Writings
Volume 25
The Making of a Counter-Culture Icon
Henry MIller's Dostoevsky
Shifting Voices
Feminist Thought and Women's Writing in Fin-de-Siècle Austria and Hungary
Northrop Frye's Fiction and Miscellaneous Writings
Volume 25
The Realist Short Story of the Powerful Glimpse
Chekhov to Carver