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A.S. Byatt and the Heliotropic Imagination
A.S. Byatt and the Heliotropic Imagination
Imagining London
Postcolonial Fiction and the Transnational Metropolis
The Works of Mary Leapor
A Hundred Years of Fiction
Welsh Writing in English
'Full of all knowledg'
George Herbert's Country Parson and Early Modern Social Discourse
Self, Nation, Text in Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children"
Virginia Woolf as Feminist
Romanticism and the Materiality of Nature
Romances of the Archive in Contemporary British Fiction
The Yard of Wit
Male Creativity and Sexuality, 165-175
Searching Shakespeare
Studies in Culture and Authority
Romanticism and Colonial Disease
The Road to Airstrip One, Second Edition
The Road to Airstrip One
Sexuality and Citizenship
Metamorphosis in Elizabethan Erotic Verse
Of Philosophers and Kings
Political Philosophy in Shakespeare's Macbeth and King Lear
D.H. Lawrence and Survival
Darwinism in the Fiction of the Transitional Period
Wilde Writings
Contextual Conditions
The Poetry of Immanence
Sacrament in Donne and Herbert
The Talk in Jane Austen
Bernard Shaw and the Webbs
Thomas Hardy, Monism, and the Carnival Tradition
The One and the Many in The Dynasts