Browse Books in English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh
Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells
Romantic Poetry by Women: A Bibliography, 1770-1835
Carlyle and the Economics of Terror
A Study of Revisionary Gothicism in The French Revolution
Gothic Bodies
The Politics of Pain in Romantic Fiction
The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold; Or The Modern Oedipus
Ben Jonson and the Art of Secrecy
Ben Jonson and the Art of Secrecy
Ben Jonson and the Art of Secrecy
Women, Writing, and Revolution, 1790-1827
The Life and Death of Mr Badman
Presented to the World in a Familiar Dialogue between Mr Wiseman and Mr Attentive
The Birth of Modernism
Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, and the Occult
Mary Leapor
A Study in Eighteenth Century Women's Poetry
Imageless Truths
Shelley's Poetic Fictions
The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold; Or The Modern Oedipus
The Page's Drift: R.S. Thomas at 80
The Page's Drift: R.S. Thomas at 81
Blake Books Supplement
A Bibliography of Publications and Discoveries about William Blake 1971-1991, being a Continuation of Blake Books (1977)
Genre and Generic Change in English Comedy 1660-1710
Fictions of the Irish Literary Revival
A Changeling Art
Rede Me and Be Nott Wrothe
Wyndham Lewis and the Avant-Garde
The Politics of the Intellect
C.P. Snow and the Struggle of Modernity
The Spenser Encyclopedia
Swinging the Maelstrom
New Perspectives on Malcolm Lowry