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Browse Books in English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

The Oxford Shakespeare

Richard II

by (author) William Shakespeare
edited by Anthony B. Dawson & Paul Yachnin

Revelation and Knowledge

Romanticism and Religious Faith

by (author) Ross Woodman & Joel Faflak

Humble Men in Company

The Unlikely Friendship of Charles Lamb and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

by (author) Kirby Evans

Entertaining Crisis in the Atlantic Imperium, 1770-1790

by (author) Daniel O'Quinn

Romantic Narrative

Shelley, Hays, Godwin, Wollstonecraft

by (author) Tilottama Rajan

Tennyson’s Camelot

The Idylls of the King and its Medieval Sources

by (author) David Staines

Beowulf and the Celtic Tradition

by (author) Martin Puhvel

Études sur la traduction de l'anglais

by (author) G.M. de Rochmondet
introduction and notes by Benoit Léger

SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 30

Shaw and the Irish Literary Tradition

edited by Peter Gahan & Michel W. Pharand

Oedipus against Freud

Myth and the End(s) of Humanism in 20th Century British Literature

by (author) Bradley W. Buchanan

British Literature: A Historical Overview, Volume A

edited by Joseph Black, Leonard Conolly, Kate Flint, Isobel Grundy, Don LePan, Roy Liuzza, Jerome J. McGann, Anne Lake Prescott, Barry V. Qualls & Claire Waters

British Literature: A Historical Overview, Volume B

edited by Joseph Black, Leonard Conolly, Kate Flint, Isobel Grundy, Don LePan, Roy Liuzza, Jerome J. McGann, Anne Lake Prescott, Barry V. Qualls & Claire Waters

New Readings in the Vercelli Book

edited by Samantha Zacher & Andy Orchard

SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 29

edited by Michel W. Pharand & Julie Sparks

Magic and Masculinity in Early Modern English Drama

by (author) Ian McAdam

Defoe's Footprints

Essays in Honour of Maximillian E. Novak

edited by Robert Maniquis & Carl Fisher

Counterrealism and Indo-Anglian Fiction

by (author) Chelva Kanaganayakam

Modernism and the Culture of Efficiency

Ideology and Fiction

by (author) Evelyn Cobley

Études sur la traduction de l’anglais

by (author) G.M. de Rochmondet
introduction and notes by Benoit Léger

English Biography in the Seventeenth Century

A Critical Survey

by (author) Allan Pritchard

The Critical Path and Other Writings on Critical Theory, 1963-1975

edited by Jean O'Grady & Eva Kushner
series edited by Alvin A. Lee

Romantic Psychoanalysis

The Burden of the Mystery

by (author) Joel Faflak

Between Worlds

The Rhetorical Universe of Paradise Lost

by (author) William Pallister

Renaissance Tropologies

The Cultural Imagination of Early Modern England

edited by Jeanne Shami

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