Browse Books in English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

Virginia Woolf and Music

William Blake in the Desolate Market

Mock Modernism
An Anthology of Parodies, Travesties, Frauds, 1910-1935

David Lodge and the Tradition of the Modern Novel

Better Britons
Reproduction, National Identity, and the Afterlife of Empire

The Romance of Politics

From Little London to Little Bengal
Religion, Print, and Modernity in Early British India, 1793-1835

Impossible Joyce
Finnegans Wakes

The Birth of New Criticism
Conflict and Conciliation in the Early Work of William Empson, I.A. Richards, Robert Graves, and Laura Riding

David Hume
Historical Thinker, Historical Writer

The Library of the Sidneys of Penshurst Place circa 1665

The Fairy Way of Writing
Shakespeare to Tolkien

Between Worlds
The Rhetorical Universe of Paradise Lost

Kingsley Amis
Antimodels and the Audience

Chaucer, Gower, and the Vernacular Rising
Poetry and the Problem of the Populace After 1381

Daniel Defoe, Contrarian

The Politics and Poetics of Contemporary English Tragedy

The Romance of Politics

Mirror of the Worlde

The Mirror of the Worlde

In Gratitude for All the Gifts
Seamus Heaney and Eastern Europe

Reading Modern Drama

Forgiving the Gift
The Philosophy of Generosity in Shakespeare and Marlowe

The Great War of Words
British, American and Canadian Propaganda and Fiction, 1914-1933