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Browse Books in English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

The Role of Thunder in Finnegans Wake

by (author) Eric McLuhan

Manner of Correspondence

A Study of the Scriblerus Club

by (author) Patricia C. Brückmann

Alien Nation

Nineteenth-Century Gothic Fictions and English Nationality

by (author) Cannon Schmitt

Henri Bergson and British Modernism

by (author) Mary Ann Gillies

Barbarous Dissonance and Images of Voice in Milton's Epics

by (author) Elizabeth Sauer

Polliticke Courtier

Spenser's The Faerie Queene as a Rhetoric of Justice

by (author) Michael F.N. Dixon

Graham Greene's Thrillers and the 1930s

by (author) Brian Diemert

Fools of Time

Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy

by (author) Northrop Frye

Fools of Time

Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy

by (author) Northrop Frye

Artists in Dylan Thomas's Prose Works

Adam Naming and Aesop Fabling

by (author) Ann Elizabeth Mayer

Prosody and Poetics in the Early Middle Ages

Essays in Honour of C.B. Hieatt

by (author) M.J. Toswell

Beyond the Word

Reconstructing Sense in the Joyce Era of Technology, Culture, and Communication

by (author) Donald E. Theall

The Bloomsbury Group

A Collection of Memoirs and Commentary

edited by S.P. Rosenbaum

Prosody and Poetics in the Early Middle Ages

Essays in Honour of C.B. Hieatt

by (author) M.J. Toswell

Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells

Selected Correspondence of Bernard Shaw

by (author) Bernard Shaw & H.G. Wells
edited by Percy Smith

Beyond the Word

Reconstructing Sense in the Joyce Era of Technology, Culture, and Communication

by (author) Donald E. Theall

The Bloomsbury Group

A Collection of Memoirs and Commentary

edited by S.P. Rosenbaum

Rereading Middle English Romance

Manuscript Layout, Decoration, and the Rhetoric of Composite Structure

by (author) Murray J. Evans

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Romance Writings

by (author) Mary Wortley Montagu
edited by Isobel Grundy

Mystic Leeway

by (author) Frances Gregg

Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells

by (author) Bernard Shaw & H.G. Wells
edited by Percy Smith

Romantic Poetry by Women: A Bibliography, 1770-1835

by (author) J.R. de J. Jackson

Carlyle and the Economics of Terror

A Study of Revisionary Gothicism in The French Revolution

by (author) Mary Desaulniers

Gothic Bodies

The Politics of Pain in Romantic Fiction

by (author) Steven Bruhm

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