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Browse Books in English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

The Hidden Adult

Defining Children's Literature

by (author) Perry Nodelman

Irish Novels 1890-1940

New Bearings in Culture and Fiction

by (author) John Wilson Foster

Troubled Legacies

Narrative and Inheritance

by (author) Allan Hepburn

Samuel Butler, Victorian Against the Grain

A Critical Overview

by (author) James G. Paradis

Spiritual Architecture and Paradise Regained

Milton's Literary Ecclesiology

by (author) Ken Simpson

Print Culture and the Medieval Author

Chaucer, Lydgate, and Their Books 1473-1557

by (author) Alexandra Gillespie

The Blue Mountains and Other Gaelic Stories from Cape Breton

Na Beanntaichean Gorma agus Sgeulachdan Eile à Ceap Breatainn

by (author) John Shaw

Trapped in Thought

A Study of the Beckettian Mentality

by (author) Eric P. Levy

Ritual, Routine, and Regime

Repetition in Early Modern British and European Cultures

edited by Lorna Clymer

Race Riots

Comedy and Ethnicity in Modern British Fiction

by (author) Michael L. Ross

Milton and the Climates of Reading

Essays by Balachandra Rajan

by (author) Balachandra Rajan
edited by Elizabeth Sauer

Northrop Frye on Shakespeare

by (author) Northrop Frye & Robert Sandler

Laurence Sterne's "Tristram Shandy"

A Casebook

edited by Thomas Keymer

Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy

A Casebook

edited by Thomas Keymer

The Crafting of Absalom and Achitophel

Dryden’s Pen for a Party

by (author) W.K. Thomas

The Imprint of the Picturesque on Nineteenth-Century British Fiction

by (author) Alexander M. Ross

Staging Governance

Theatrical Imperialism in London, 1770-1800

by (author) Daniel O'Quinn

Women's Writing in English

Early Modern England

by (author) Patricia Demers

Postcolonialism Revisited

Welsh Writing in English

by (author) Kirsti Bohata
edited by M. Wynn Thomas

National Dreams

The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nineteenth-Century England

by (author) Jennifer Schacker

Fearful Symmetry

A Study of William Blake

by (author) Northrop Frye
edited by Nicholas Halmi

Speaking for Nature

Women and Ecologies of Early Modern England

by (author) Sylvia Bowerbank

A.S. Byatt and the Heliotropic Imagination

by (author) Jane Campbell

Imagining London

Postcolonial Fiction and the Transnational Metropolis

by (author) John Clement Ball

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