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Browse Books in Religion

The Social Setting of the Ministry as Reflected in the Writings of Hermas, Clement and Ignatius

by (author) Harry O. Maier

Religion and Culture in Canada

by (author) Peter Slater

The Rhetoric of the Babylonian Talmud, Its Social Meaning and Context

by (author) Jack N. Lightstone

Mythologies and Philosophies of Salvation in the Theistic Traditions of India

by (author) Klaus K. Klostermaier

The Female Crucifix

Images of St. Wilgefortis Since the Middle Ages

by (author) Ilse E. Friesen

Native Religious Traditions

by (author) Earle H. Waugh & K.D. Prithipaul

Religious Studies in Atlantic Canada

A State-of-the-Art Review

by (author) Paul W.R. Bowlby

Religious Studies in Ontario

A State-of-the-Art Review

by (author) Harold Remus, Daniel Fraikin & William Closson James

Methodist Education in Peru

Social Gospel, Politics, and American Ideological andEconomic Penetration, 1888–1930

by (author) Rosa del Carmen Bruno-Jofré

A Study in Anti-Gnostic Polemics

Irenaeus, Hippolytus and Epiphanius

edited by Gérard Vallée

Mystics and Scholars

The Calgary Conference on Mysticism 1976

edited by Harold Coward
by (author) Terence Penelhum

Prophets, Pastors and Public Choices

Canadian Churches and the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Debate

by (author) Roger Hutchinson

In Good Faith

Canadian Churches Against Apartheid

by (author) Renate Pratt

Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Sardis and Smyrna

edited by Richard S. Ascough

Canadian Methodist Women, 1766-1925

Marys, Marthas, Mothers in Israel

by (author) Marilyn Färdig Whiteley

The Social Uplifters

Presbyterian Progressives and the Social Gospel in Canada 1875-1915

by (author) Brian J. Fraser

Gender, Genre and Religion

Feminist Reflections

edited by Morny Joy & Eva K. Neumaier-Dargyay

The Free Church in Victorian Canada, 1844-1861

by (author) Richard W. Vaudry

Rhetoric and Reality in Early Christianities

edited by Willi Braun

Spirituality and Health

Multidisciplinary Explorations

edited by Augustine Meier, Thomas St James O’Connor & Peter L. VanKatwyk

Religious Studies in Manitoba and Saskatchewan

A State-of-the-Art Review

by (author) John M. Badertscher, Gordon Harland & Roland E. Miller

Hindu Iconoclasts

Rammohun Roy, Dayananda Sarasvati, and Nineteenth-Century Polemics against Idolatry

by (author) Noel Salmond

The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature

by (author) Terence Day

Religion and Ethnicity

edited by Harold Coward
by (author) Leslie Kawamura

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