Browse Books in Religion

Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament

Churches and Social Order in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Canada

The Churches and Social Order in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Canada

The Spirituality of Pets

Rite out of Place
Ritual, Media, and the Arts

Eat This Book Study Guide

Evagrius of Pontus
The Greek Ascetic Corpus

On Buddhism

Marketing the Gospel in English Canada, 1884-1957

Spiritus Mundi
Essays on Literature, Myth, and Society

Thinking about Faith
Speculative Theology

The Broken Whole
Philosophical Steps Toward a Theology of Global Solidarity

Religious Studies and Comparative Methodology
The Case for Reciprocal Illumination

The Emerging Christian Way
Thoughts, Stories, and Wisdom for a Faith of Transformation

The Season of Hope
A Companion through the Days of Advent & Christmas

Through Conflict to Resolution

Boyle on Atheism

Leontius of Jerusalem
Against the Monophysites: Testimonies of the Saints and Aporiae

Weavers of the Tapestry

Conspiracy of Love
Living Through and Beyond Childhood Sexual Abuse

Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Set

The Missional Leader
Equipping Your Church to Reach a Changing World

The Mysteries of Druidry
Celtic Mysticism, Theory, and Practice (A Training Manual for the Modern-Druid)