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Browse Books in Religion

Sing a New Song

Portraits of Canada's Crusading Bishops

by (author) Julie H. Ferguson

Seeking the Sacred

Leading a Spiritual Life in a Secular World

by (author) Romeo Dallaire, Thomas Moore, Martin Rutte, Stephen Lewis & Marion Woodman

Living Waters

Selected Writings on Spirituality

by (author) Tom Harpur

The Visible World

by (author) Pier Giorgio Di Cicco

Les scandales de la Bible

by (author) Jean-Pierre Prévost

Oser le dire

Prières de vie et d'engagement

conductor Lise Baroni & Guy Lapointe
by (author) Martine Floret

Gandharan Buddhism

Archaeology, Art, and Texts

edited by Kurt Behrendt & Pia Brancaccio

Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places Study Guide

by (author) Eugene Peterson & Peter Santucci

en quete de dieu

Chemin de croissance spirituelle

by (author) Johanne Robert

The Jesuits II

Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540-1773

edited by Gauvin Alexander Bailey, Steven J. Harris, John W. O'Malley & T. Frank Kennedy

L'art de vivre ensemble : Introduction à une éthique chrétienne

Introduction à une éthique chrétienne

by (author) Kenneth R. Melchin
translated by Pierrot Lambert

Monks, Rulers, and Literati

The Political Ascendancy of Chan Buddhism

by (author) Albert Welter

Religion, Family, and Community in Victorian Canada

The Colbys of Carrollcroft

by (author) Marguerite Van Die

La prière de silence : Renouveler une forme traditionnelle de prière chrétienne

Renouveler une forme traditionnelle de prière chrétienne

by (author) Basil M. Pennington
translated by Bernard Dionne

Naître à la vie. Guide à l'intention des intervenants

with Office de catéchèse du Québec, Yvon Métras, Louise Morin-Thibault & Robert Sauvageau
by (author) N./.A. N/A

Reason and Inspiration in Islam

Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought

edited by Todd Lawson

Japan's Modern Prophet

Uchimura Kanzô, 1861-1930

by (author) John F. Howes

Canadian Aboriginal Art and Spirituality

A Vital Link

by (author) John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen

Ashkenazic Jewry in Transition

by (author) Bernard Rosensweig

The Fixed and the Fickle

Religion and Identity in New Zealand

by (author) Hans Mol

Weaving Relationships

Canada-Guatemala Solidarity

by (author) Kathryn Anderson

Truth and Compassion

Essays on Judaism and Religion in Memory of Rabbi Dr Solomon Frank

edited by Howard Joseph, Jack N. Lightstone & Michael Oppenheim

Sharing without Reckoning

Imperfect Right and the Norms of Reciprocity

by (author) Millard Schumaker

Political Theology in the Canadian Context

edited by Benjamin G. Smillie

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