Browse Books in Religion

Changing Habits
Women's Religious Orders in Canada

Signs of the Times
Religious Pluralism and Economic Injustice
Sacred Ground on de la Savane
Montreal's Baron de Hirsch Cemetery

Prier avec son corps

Religion and Politics in Post-Communist Romania

Santa Claus
A Biography

American Catholics in the Protestant Imagination
Rethinking the Academic Study of Religion

The Japanese Arts and Self-Cultivation

of this earth
A Mennonite Boyhood In The Boreal Forest

30 Prières pour tous les temps
Prions en Église

De l'eau pour ton puits

One Voice
The Selected Sermons of W. Gunther Plaut

The Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Superiors, and the Paradox of Power, 1693-1796

L'aujourd'hui du temps

Cause for Hope
Humanity at the Crossroads

A World of Faith
Introducing Spiritual Traditions to Teens

Canadian Churches
An Architectural History

Bible, The
A Biography

The Spirituality of Grandparenting

comme des arbres qui marchent

Modern Women Modernizing Men
The Changing Missions of Three Professional Women in Asia and Africa, 1902-69

That's the Way It Is.

A Voluptuous God
A Christian Heretic Speaks