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Browse Books in Religion

Changing Habits

Women's Religious Orders in Canada

managing editor Elizabeth M. Smyth
by (author) N./.A. N/A & Elizabeth M. Smyth

Signs of the Times

Religious Pluralism and Economic Injustice

by (author) Gregory Baum

Sacred Ground on de la Savane

Montreal's Baron de Hirsch Cemetery

by (author) Danny Kucharsky

Prier avec son corps

by (author) Jacques Gauthier

Religion and Politics in Post-Communist Romania

by (author) Lavinia Stan & Lucian Turcescu

Santa Claus

A Biography

by (author) Gerry Bowler

American Catholics in the Protestant Imagination

Rethinking the Academic Study of Religion

by (author) Michael P. Carroll

The Japanese Arts and Self-Cultivation

by (author) Robert E. Carter
foreword by Eliot Deutsch

of this earth

A Mennonite Boyhood In The Boreal Forest

by (author) Rudy Wiebe

30 Prières pour tous les temps

Prions en Église

by (author) Collectif
conductor Jacques Lison
illustrated by Benoît Mercier

De l'eau pour ton puits

by (author) Jules Beaulac

One Voice

The Selected Sermons of W. Gunther Plaut

by (author) W. Gunther Plaut
edited by Jonathan V. Plaut

The Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Superiors, and the Paradox of Power, 1693-1796

by (author) Colleen Gray

L'aujourd'hui du temps

by (author) Charline Lapointe

Cause for Hope

Humanity at the Crossroads

by (author) Bill Phipps

A World of Faith

Introducing Spiritual Traditions to Teens

by (author) Carolyn Pogue

Canadian Churches

An Architectural History

by (author) Peter Richardson & Douglas Richardson
photographs by John Visser

Bible, The

A Biography

by (author) Karen Armstrong

The Spirituality of Grandparenting

by (author) Ralph Milton
with Beverley Milton
series edited by Michael J. Schwartzentruber

comme des arbres qui marchent

by (author) Rick van Lier

Modern Women Modernizing Men

The Changing Missions of Three Professional Women in Asia and Africa, 1902-69

by (author) Ruth Compton Brouwer


That's the Way It Is.

by (author) Raymond de Coccola
with Paul King

A Voluptuous God

A Christian Heretic Speaks

by (author) Robert Thompson

les congrès eucharistiques

by (author) Marc Ouellet
with Josée Latulippe

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