Browse Books in Religion

The Deconstruction of Christianity


No Easy Fix
Global Responses to Internal Wars and Crimes Against Humanity

Paraphrase on the Gospel of Matthew
Volume 45

L'eucharistie que désirait Jésus
Une interpellation
Jesus Family Tomb

Woman as Fire, Woman as Sage
Sexual Ideology in the Mah—bh—rata

The Perfectibility of Human Nature in Eastern and Western Thought

The Blue Banner
The Presbyterian Church of Saint David and Presbyterian Witness in Halifax

Les plus belles prières à Marie

Paul, Missionary of Jesus

bâtir ma vie sur le roc
Parcours bibliques pour jeunes adultes

The Linji Lu and the Creation of Chan Orthodoxy
The Development of Chan's Records of Sayings Literature

Miriam, Mary and Me
Women in the Bible

Sayings of Sathya Sai Baba

Des petits bouts d'éternité

In Those Days, At This Time
Holiness and History in the Jewish Calendar

Contemporary Islamic Conversations
M. Fethullah Gülen on Turkey, Islam, and the West

The Catholic Origins of Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970

The Legacy of German Jewry

The Evangelical Conversion Narrative
Spiritual Autobiography in Early Modern England

Desire for Development
Whiteness, Gender, and the Helping Imperative

Life Beyond Death

Thinking About God
A Very Private Matter?