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Browse Books in Religion

La confiance au quotidien

by (author) Sylvie Leblanc

The Steppes Are the Colour of Sepia

by (author) Connie Braun

Steppes Are the Colour of Sepia, The

A Mennonite Memoir

by (author) Connie Braun

The Spiritual Brain

by (author) Mario Beauregard

L'essentielle errance

Voyage introspectif sur les routes de l'Inde et de l'Europe

by (author) Rémy Perras
illustrated by Karine Sirois

52 More Crafts

for the Christian Year

by (author) Donna Scorer
illustrated by Anna Payne-Krzyzanowski

Dieu fait un rêve

Une vision d'espérance pour notre temps

by (author) Desmond Tutu
translated by Jean Chapdelaine Gagnon
with Douglas Abrams

Catéchèse d'adultes

Le pourquoi et le comment

by (author) Jane E. Regan
translated by Paul-André Giguère

La prière à l'école de Martin Luther King

Prière #34 - L'aventure intérieure

with Collectif
conductor Jacques Lison
by (author) N./.A. N/A

Child's Book of Blessings and Prayers

by (author) Eliza Blanchard
illustrated by Rocco Baviera

Safe Haven

The Possibility of Sanctuary in an Unsafe World

by (author) Larry Gaudet

Healing Life's Hurts

by (author) Graham Bretherick

Common Ground

A Priest and a Rabbi Read Scripture Together

by (author) Andrew Greeley

Muslim Modernities

Expressions of the Civil Imagination

by (author) Amyn B. Sajoo

Buddhism in the Krishna River Valley of Andhra

edited by Sree Padma Holt & A.W. Barber

Les prophètes

nouvelle édition

by (author) Walter Vogels

The Journey Home

by (author) Linda Ford

Spiritual Dimensions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-I Nur

introduction by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi'

God of Surprises

by (author) Gerard W. Hughes
foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

Au fil des jours 2009

Calendrier 2009

with Charlotte Gill & Société biblique canadienne
by (author) N./.A. N/A

Modern and Global Ayurveda

Pluralism and Paradigms

edited by Dagmar Wujastyk & Frederick M. Smith

A Commentary on Micah

by (author) Bruce K. Waltke

Becoming Human

by (author) Jean Vanier

Is It Possible To Live This Way?

An Unusual Approach to Christian Existence: Faith

by (author) Luigi Giussani

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