Browse Books in Psychology

Essential Writings in Violence Risk Assessment and Management

Asking the Right Questions 2
Talking with Clients about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Mental Health, Counselling and Addiction Settings

Poser les bonnes questions 2
Parler avec les clients de leur orientation et de leur identité sexuelles dans les établissements de santé mentale, de traitement de la toxicomanie et les cabinets de counseling

Asking the Right Questions 2
Talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in mental health, counselling and addiction settings

Unfitting Stories
Narrative Approaches to Disease, Disability, and Trauma

Highs and Lows
Canadian Perspectives of Women and Substance Use

Acting Out
Understanding and Reducing Aggressive Behaviour in Children and Youth

Growing Up Resilient
Ways to Build Resilience in Children and Youth

Narrating Social Order
Agoraphobia and the Politics of Classification

Overcoming Pathological Gambling: Therapist Guide

The Science Game
An Introduction to Research in the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Too Safe for Their Own Good
How Risk and Responsibility Help Teens Thrive

Causality of Psychological Injury
Presenting Evidence in Court

Mutual Respect With Teenagers
Having Dialogues About Feelings and Values

Overcoming Your Pathological Gambling: Workbook

The Visual Brain in Action

Sex, Paranoia, and Modern Masculinity

Where Theres a Will
Or Everything I Needed To Know In Life I Learned From Shakespeare

The Evolving Brain
The Mind and the Neural Control of Behavior

Treating Health Anxiety and Fear of Death
A Practitioner's Guide

Enlightened Gardener Revisited, The

Trauma, Trials, and Transformation
Guiding sexual assault victims through the legal system and beyond

La violence des hommes
Essai de psychologie et de spiritualité masculines