Browse Books in Psychology

A History of Psychology

Expert Testimony on the Psychology of Eyewitness Identification

Decision Making and Rationality in the Modern World

Current Perspectives on the Anxiety Disorders
Implications for DSM-V and Beyond

Personality Theory

Developmental Psychology

Pathways, Bridges and Havens

Beyond the Box
B.F. Skinner's Technology of Behaviour from Laboratory to Life, 1950s-1970s

Comment pardonner?
Pardonner pour guérir, guérir pour pardonner

Well-Being for Public Policy

Empty Casing
A Soldier's Memoir of Sarajevo Under Siege

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Where Am I

Sadly Troubled History
The Meanings of Suicide in the Modern Age
A Sadly Troubled History
The Meanings of Suicide in the Modern Age

Troubles concomitants et problèmes liés à l’usage de substances et aux jeux de hasard et d’argent en Ontario
Guide pour les professionnels aidants

Le Comportement agressif chez les enfants et les jeunes
Quand doit-on s'en préoccuper “

Methadone Maintenance Treatment
A Community Planning Guide

Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Best Practices in Case Management

Aggressive Behaviour in Children and Youth
When is it something to be concerned about?

Borderline Personality Disorder
An Information Guide for Families

Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Recommendations for Enhancing Pharmacy Services

Teen Brain, Teen Mind
What Parents Need to Know to Survive the Adolescent Years