Browse Books in Psychology

Edge Seasons
A Mid-life Year

Journalists under Fire
The Psychological Hazards of Covering War

Le bonheur au quotidien

Mastering Your Fears and Phobias: Therapist Guide

Mastering Your Fears and Phobias: Workbook

Mental Health and Canadian Society
Historical Perspectives

As Nature Made Him
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl

The Romance of Transgression in Canada
Queering Sexualities, Nations, Cinemas

Romance of Transgression in Canada
Queering Sexualities, Nations, Cinemas

The Assessment and Treatment of Women Offenders
An Integrative Perspective

Working with People at High Risk of Developing Psychosis
A Treatment Handbook

The Fear of Contamination
Assessment and treatment

A Kidnapped Mind
A Mother's Heartbreaking Memoir of Parental Alienation

Daggers of the Mind /hc
Psychiatry and the Myth of Mental Disease

Human Hand Function

Broca's Region

Les Jeunes, les drogues et la santé mentale
Ressource pour les professionnels

La Psychose chez les femmes
Guide d'information

Quelle approche adopter envers les personnes âgées confrontées à des problèmes de toxicomanie, de santé mentale et de jeu
Guide à l’intention des intervenants et des bénévoles

Responding to Older Adults with Substance Use, Mental Health and Gambling Challenges
A Guide for Workers and Volunteers

Entretien à la méthadone
Guide de traitement à l’intention des conseillers

Lifespan Cognition
Mechanisms of Change

Structured Relapse Prevention
An Outpatient Counselling Approach

Justice for Young Offenders
Their Needs, Our Responses