Browse Books in Psychology

Ce que les enfants veulent savoir lorsqu’un de leurs parents a un trouble bipolaire

When a parent has experienced psychosis… What kids want to know

Les Troubles anxieux
Guide d'information

La dépression du post-partum
Guide à l’intention des fournisseurs de services sociaux et de santé de première ligne

Postpartum Depression
A guide for front-line health and social service providers

Why Language Matters for Theory of Mind

Treating Concurrent Disorders
A Guide for Counsellors

Electra after Freud
Myth and Culture

Holistic Learning and Spirituality in Education
Breaking New Ground

Mind, second edition
Introduction to Cognitive Science

The Fall of An Icon
Psychoanalysis and Academic Psychiatry

The Mathematics of Marriage
Dynamic Nonlinear Models

Emotional Development
Recent Research Advances

The Mind As a Scientific Object
Between Brain and Culture

Why We Love
The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love

Handbook of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Girls

The Unsung Psychoanalyst
The Quiet Influence of Ruth Easser

Revenge of the Windigo
The Construction of the Mind and Mental Health of North American Aboriginal Peoples

Multiple Lenses, Multiple Images
Perspectives on the Child across Time, Space, and Disciplines
Mastery of Your Specific Phobia: Client Workbook

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: The Facts
The Facts

Demander pardon sans s'humilier

Parenting Assessments in Child Welfare Cases
A Practical Guide

The Diverse Worlds of Unemployed Adults
Consequences for Leisure, Lifestyle, and Well-being