Browse Books in Philosophy
Francisco Giner de los Rios
A Spanish Socrates
Ethics and Climate Change
The Greenhouse Effect
Theories of Property
Aristotle to the Present
Regards sur les Essais
Salighed As Happiness?
Kierkegaard on the Concept Salighed
Beyond Mysticism
Craving and Salvation
A Study in Buddhist Soteriology
Whitehead and God
Prolegomena to Theological Reconstruction
Mysticism and Vocation
The Moral Mystic
Augustine’s Conversion
A Guide to the Argument of Confessions I-IX
Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 5
The Brain Drain
Determinants, Measurements and Welfare Effects
Towards an Ethics of Community
Negotiations of Difference in a Pluralist Society
Sharing without Reckoning
Imperfect Right and the Norms of Reciprocity
Value Assumptions in Risk Assessment
A Case Study of the Alachlor Controversy
Reason Over Passion
The Social Basis of Evaluation and Appraisal
Mythologies and Philosophies of Salvation in the Theistic Traditions of India
Between Worlds
A Study of the Plays of John Webster
Leopoldo Zea
From Mexicanidad to a Philosophy of History
A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics
Three Argentine Thinkers
Three Chilean Thinkers
Structural Idealism
A Theory of Social and Historical Explanation