Browse Books in Philosophy

David Hume's Political Theory
Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government

The Importance of Insight
Essays in Honour of Michael Vertin

David Hume's Political Theory
Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government

Ethics, Economics and International Relations

Taking Responsibility for Children
Ethical Choices in Contemporary Medicine
Socrates on Trial
A Play Based on Aristophane's Clouds and Plato's Apology, Crito, and Phaedo Adapted for Modern Performance

Socrates on Trial
A Play Based on Aristophane's Clouds and Plato's Apology, Crito, and Phaedo Adapted for Modern Performance

The Japanese Arts and Self-Cultivation

Sight and Sensibility
Evaluating Pictures

Homers The Iliad And The Odyssey

Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship
Essays on the Problem of Political Community

Social Policy and the Ethic of Care

A History of Ideas

David Hume's Political Theory
Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government

George Grant
A Guide to His Thought

Pragmatism, Democracy, and the Necessity of Rhetoric

Sport Ethics in Context

Readings in the Philosophy of Law, second edition

Natural Beauty
A Theory of Aesthetics Beyond the Arts

The Evolution of Morality

Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized Bodies

Moral Animals
Ideals and Constraints in Moral Theory

The Importance of Insight
Essays in Honour of Michael Vertin