Browse Books in Nature

The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi
Exploring the Microscopic World in Our Forests, Homes, and Bodies

Woman, Watching
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence and the Songbirds of Pimisi Bay

Passions for Birds
Science, Sentiment, and Sport

Paddling Pathways
Reflections from a Changing Landscape

Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin
Wolves and the Making of Canada

125 Nature Hot Spots in Ontario
The Best Parks, Conservation Areas and Wild Places

Waterfalls of Ontario

Birds of Georgia

Ontario Trees
A visual guide to the most important species

The Book of Nature Connection
70 Sensory Activities for All Ages

Made to Order
The Designing of Animals

Killing Bugs for Business and Beauty
Canada's Aerial War against Forest Pests, 1913-1930

Animal as Machine
The Quest to Understand How Animals Work and Adapt

Compact Guide to British Columbia Birds

Birds of the Rocky Mountains

Compact Guide to Alberta Birds

The Zone
Rediscovering Our Natural Self

Bats of British Columbia

Serpent River Resurgence
Confronting Uranium Mining at Elliot Lake

Vegan Geographies
Spaces Beyond Violence, Ethics Beyond Speciesism

La Beauté brut de son boisé

Signs of Water
Community Perspectives on Water, Responsibility, and Hope

A Practical Handbook for Healthy Water