Browse Books in Nature

Cradle of the Demon Metals, Birth of a Mining Superpower

The Making of a Mining Superpower

Think Like A Vegan

Voles, Not Moles

Power of Dreams, The
27 Years Off-grid in a Wilderness Valley

Wildness and the Vitality of the Land

Possessing Meares Island
A Historian's Journey into the Past of Clayoquot Sound

Muskrat Falls
How a Mega Dam Became a Predatory Formation

Urban Ecology for Citizens and Planners

The Little Prairie Book of Berries
Recipes for Saskatoons, Sea Buckthorn, Haskap Berries and More

A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching
Getting to Know the World's Most Misunderstood Bird

Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala

The Science and Spirit of Seaweed
Discovering Food, Medicine and Purpose in the Kelp Forests of the Pacific Northwest
A Primer of Life Histories
Ecology, Evolution, and Application

The Environmentalist's Dilemma
Promise and Peril in an Age of Climate Crisis

The Secret Life of Squirrels Mini Wall Calendar 2022
A Year of Wild Squirrels Portrayed in Delightful Domestic Vignettes

A Brief History of the Earth's Climate
Everyone's Guide to the Science of Climate Change

Hidden Scourge
Exposing the Truth about Fossil Fuel Industry Spills

To Speak for the Trees
My Life's Journey from Ancient Celtic Wisdom to a Healing Vision of the Forest
Bears of the North
A Year Inside Their Worlds

Reindeer Reflections
Lessons from an Ancient Culture

Mining Country
A history of Canada’s mines and miners

Waterfalls of Cape Breton Island
A Guide

On Borrowed Time
North America’s Next Big Quake