Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Bernard Shaw and the Webbs

Gail Scott
Essays on Her Works

Shakespeare in Canada
A World Elsewhere?

Sensible Flesh
On Touch in Early Modern Culture

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 1-141, Volume 1

Plots and Pans
The Book Club Cookbook

The Epic Hero

Surplus at the Border
Mennonite Writing in Canada
Reading Pictures
What We Think About When We Look at Art

Lost Classics

The Small Details of Life
Twenty Diaries by Women in Canada, 1830-1996

After Lacan
Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconscious

Al Purdy
Essays on his Works

Getting Started
A Memoir of the 1950s

Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada

Writing the Meal
Dinner in the Fiction of Twentieth-Century Women Writers

Landscapes of Encounter
The Portrayal of Catholicism in the Novels of Brian Moore

Masters of Two Arts
Re-creation of European Literatures in Italian Cinema

Becoming George
The Life of Mrs W.B.Yeats

Leacock on Life

A New Anthology of Canadian Literature in English

Unreal Country
Modernity in the Canadian Novel in English

After Poststructuralism
Writing the Intellectual History of Theory

Temptations of Faust
The Logic of Fascism and Postmodern Archaeologies of Modernity