Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Northrop Frye on Canada

Setting in the East
Maritime Realist Fiction

Narratology and Text
Subjectivity and Identity in New France and Québécois Literature

Grandchild of Empire
About Irony, Mainly in the Commonwealth

Mothers of Invention
Feminist Authors and Experimental Fiction in France and Quebec

Under the Naked Sky
Short Stories from the Arab World
Wilde Writings
Contextual Conditions

Something Like a Drug
An Unauthorized Oral History of Theatresports

Northrop Frye
Eastern and Western Perspectives
Mother Tongues and Other Reflections on the Italian Language

Canadian Writers and Their Works: Poetry Volume XII

Josef Skvorecky

Steven McCaffery

Dennis Cooley

Fred Wah

The Voice is the Story
Conversations with Canadian Writers of Short Fiction

Canadians Are Not Americans
Myths and Literary Traditions
The Poetry of Immanence
Sacrament in Donne and Herbert

In the Shadow of the Mammoth
Italo Svevo and the Emergence of Modernism

The Talk in Jane Austen

Constance Lindsay Skinner
Writing on the Frontier

Feminist Interpretations of Hans-Georg Gadamer

Tropics of Teaching
Productivity, Warfare, and Priesthood

Bill Bissett
Essays on His Works