Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Is Canada Postcolonial?
Unsettling Canadian Literature

F.G. Paci
Essays on His Work

D.H. Lawrence and Survival
Darwinism in the Fiction of the Transitional Period

Short Fiction
An Anthology


Ariosto Today
Contemporary Perspectives

Essays on Other Literatures

Pride and Prodigies
Studies in the Monsters of the Beowulf Manuscript

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume II: 1910-1921

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume III: 1921-1929

Further Journeys
In Muddy Water
Conversations with 11 Poets

The False Traitor
Louis Riel in Canadian Culture

Zarathustra's Sisters
Women's Autobiography and the Shaping of Cultural History

Border Crossings
Thomas King's Cultural Inversions

Where Have the Old Words Got Me?
Explications of Dylan Thomas's Collected Poems

Doubt's Boots
Even Doubt's Shadow

Northrop Frye on Modern Culture

Imagined Nations
Reflections on Media in Canadian Fiction
Beasts of Love
Richard de Fournival's Bestiaire d'amour and the Response

Writing Prose
Techniques and Purposes, Canadian Edition

Pink Snow
Homotextual Possibilities in Canadian Fiction

Carol Shields
The art of writing life