Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Stranger at the Door
Writers and the Act of Writing

Is Language a Music?
Writings on Musical Form and Signification
Families of the King
Writing Identity in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

Kristjana Gunnars
Essays on Her Works

National Dreams
The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nineteenth-Century England

Biblical and Classical Myths
The Mythological Framework of Western Culture

Wisdom of Eccentric Old Men
A Study of Type and Secondary Character in Galdós's Social Novels, 1870-1897

Inventing Tom Thomson
From Biographical Fictions to Fictional Autobiographies and Reproductions

The Wisdom of Eccentric Old Men
A Study of Type and Secondary Character in Galdós's Social Novels, 1870-1897

'A Great Effusion of Blood'?
Interpreting Medieval Violence

On the Front Line of Life
Stephen Leacock: Memories and Reflections, 1935-1944

The Growth of A la recherche du temps perdu
A Chronological Examination of Proust's Manuscripts from 1909 to 1914 (Two Volume Set)

Saints and the Audience in Middle English Biblical Drama

Medusa's Ear
University Foundings from Kant to Chora L

From Motherhood to Mothering
The Legacy of Adrienne Rich's Of Woman Born

Writing the Everyday
Women's Textual Communities in Atlantic Canada

Character Parts
Who's Really Who in CanLit

Dante, Cinema, and Television

Points of View

Guernica and Other Poems

Fearful Symmetry
A Study of William Blake

Poiesis and Possible Worlds
A Study in Modality and Literary Theory
Russian Literature, 1995-2002
On the Threshold of a New Millennium
Moving Targets /hc
Writing with Intent 1982 - 2004