Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Margaret Laurence
The Making of a Writer

Before the First Word
The Poetry of Lorna Crozier

A Reading Diary

Vasil Byka?
His Life and Works

Vasil Bykau
His Life and Works

Sanity, Madness, Transformation
The Psyche in Romanticism

Edgar Allan Poe
Rhetoric and Style

Constructing Colonial Discourse
Cook at Nootka Sound, 1778

Alien Heart
The Life and Work of Margaret Laurence

Rewriting Apocalypse in Canadian Fiction

Pleasure of Fools
Essays in the Ethics of Laughter
The Pleasure of Fools
Essays in the Ethics of Laughter

Latin Learning and English Lore (Volumes I & II)
Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for Michael Lapidge

The Canadian Modernists Meet

An Audience of One
Dorothy Osborne's Letters to Sir William Temple, 1652-1654

White Salt Mountain
Words in Time

First Writes

Auto/biography in Canada
Critical Directions

Travelling Knowledges
Positioning the Im/Migrant Reader of Aboriginal Literatures in Canada

The World in Venice
Print, the City, and Early Modern Identity

Gospels and Grit
Work and Labour in Carlyle, Conrad, and Orwell

History, Literature and the Writing of the Canadian Prairies

Aboriginal Drama and Theatre
Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre in English Vol. 1

Maps of Difference
Canada, Women, and Travel